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School Values


We subscribe to the core values of the Mowbray Education Trust as a whole.


Children First

Everything we do is focussed around ensuring that our young people get the very best support and opportunities we can give them.  They deserve nothing less, it's what we're here to do.

We make 6 promises;

  • The education of the children in our Trust will always be our priority
  • Through our high expectations of the children we serve we are investing in the future of our community
  • We want the children that come to our nurseries and schools to work hard, show resilience and enjoy their time with us
  • We will recruit and retain the best quality staff to ensure our children get the very best education possible
  • We will be transparent in everything we do
  • All children are important, we will always challenge them to be their best and no child will be left behind.


“Our vision is to create a school that unlocks the potential of every child”


At Sherard School, we educate and nurture the whole child, providing opportunities for each child to discover and develop their unique talents and abilities in a variety of areas including emotional, spiritual, academic, cultural, moral, linguistic, creative and physical. 


We create a culture of achievement within a vibrant and stimulating learning environment ensuring positive reinforcement at all levels of ability through appropriately differentiated expectations.
